Where to begin. By Sarah Corbett
There are some incredibly useful groups for jewel, adornment and textile lovers on Facebook .
These are the places which can give a starting point for your research into your treasures.
Often a set of basic information can lead us to discover the origin, history and cultural significance of objects. By simply joining a group and asking, it is usually easy to ascertain the origins and stories of our pieces, enabling us to select appropriate books and research materials for further investigations.
For me a great community is a space where everyone can respectfully share their questions and understandings. An inclusive space based on respect, and carefully moderated to keep the space ‘on topic’ and free of trolls!
I’d like to share three really great ones with you.
The first is the Ethnic Jewels Community.
The community currently has 7200 members and is home to a lively discussion on all things adornment.
Moderated by a team of 5 including
Sarah Corbett: Magazine Editor, Researcher and Consultant at the Michael Backman gallery( London).
Alaa Eddine Sagid: Collector, Dealer and Researcher.
Annie Boehm: Second Generation collector and dealer @ The Girl Adorned
Arpit Pansari: Jeweller, Gem collector and dealer @ Hemashti Gems and Arts
Sigrid Van Roode: Egyptologist and Author. Her website is Bedouin Silver
The second is Bead Collectors helping Bead Collectors .
This relatively new group currently has 1800 members and is a great place to learn more about beads and their history and uses. The group is moderated by a team of three
Thomas Stricker: Thomas has been collecting unusual beads since 1972. He is in the process of building a bead museum.
Daniel Lopaki: Daniel is recognised as one of the top stone bead makers in the world you can see his website here
Justin Lunt: Justin is the youngest admin at 40 years of age. He is an up and coming bead enthusiast.
The third is for textile lovers and is called The Ethnic Textiles Community.
With over 8900 members at the time of writing this is the place to explore the history and origins of textiles from around the world. The group is moderated by:
Alaa Eddine Sagid: Collector, Dealer and Researcher.
Annie Boehm: Second Generation collector and dealer @ The Girl Adorned
Sue Ricardson: An expert in Asian Textiles and a writer and lecturer in the topic. See her website here
Sarah Corbett: Magazine Editor, Researcher and Consultant at the Michael Backman gallery( London).
So take a few good clear photos of your piece, its really helpful to add sizes and any info you already may have. this makes it easier for the community members to help with identifications. Also be clear about what you would like to know.
Sometimes what we thought we understood can be wrong. so be prepared for new information or a different opinion to the one you were given when you made your purchase. Sadly not all sellers are informed!
Enjoy your jewels, and enjoy learning about them too !
Tags: adornment, communities, jewel research