
by Sarah Corbett

A Lingam necklace is a silver casket worn to contain a piece of smooth oval stone called a Lingum.

The Lingam ( Ishtalinga) stone is a natural river worn stone primarily of Jasper found in the Narmada river ( a tributary of the Ganges River) in India. The lingam stone represents the God Shiva. In traditional Indian society, the linga is seen as a symbol of the energy and potentiality of the God.

Other given signifigance of this talisman:

A mark, sign, token, an emblem, a badge, symbol, distinguishing mark, characteristic

A false or unreal mark, a guise, disguise, a deceptive badge

A symptom, mark of disease

A means of proof, a proof, evidence

(In logic) The hetu or middle term in a syllogism

The sign of gender or sex


The male organ of generation


The genital organ of Śiva worshiped in the form of a Phallus

The image of a god, an idol

One of the relations or indications…which serve to fix the meaning of a word in any particular passage

(In Vedānta philosophy) The subtle frame or body, the indestructible original of the gross or visible body

A spot, stain

The nominal base, the crude form of a noun

The effect or product (that which is evolved out of a primary cause and itself becomes a producer).

Inference, conclusion

Lingayatism , also known as Veerashaivismi is a branch of the Hindu faith. The devotees are called Lingayats.

Lingayats believe that Shiva is the only deity rather than the three gods revered by other Hindus.

The term Lingayats means ‘Those who wear the Ishtalaniga on their body.’ The Stone within its special silver case is worn at all times by devotees.

A ceremony of initiation called Lingaharane takes place when a Foetus is within the Womb. At around 7 moths gestation, the family guru gives and Ishtalinga to the expectant mother. The mother wears this second Talisman attached to her own until the birth of the child when she attaches the Ishtalinga to her newborn. The child will always wear the Talisman from birth onwards.

Unlike most Hindus, who practice cremation, the Lingayats sect bury their dead. The deceased are buried in the meditation position with their Ishatalinga in their left hand.


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